Human Machine Interaction

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What the INTERACT project is about
We're embarking on a new project about Human-Machine-Interaction.
But it's not what you might think, given the current hype regarding ChatGPT.
The INTERACT project is very much about humans and their language.
Interactions with machines are interesting because they cross an ontological boundary: natural language has evolved for humans to think and talk about these thoughts with each other.
So what happens when we talk to a machine?
Will be adapt our way of talking when we talk to a machine? And if so, how?
Unsuprisingly, I am interested how interactional language (the uh's and uhms that drive interaction) is used when we talk to machines.
So by exploring how we talk to machines we might learn something about us humans:
What makes human communication unique?
And what does it mean to be human in the age of AI?
Wiltschko, M. 2023. Troubles and Failures in Interactional Language: Towards a Linguistically Informed Taxonomy. In ACM conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI ’23), July 19–21, 2023, Eindhoven, Netherlands. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 3 pages.
Frank Förster, Marta Romeo, Patrick Holthaus, Luke Jai Wood, Christian Dondrup, Joel E Fischer, Farhana Ferdousi Liza, Sara Kaszuba, Julian Hough, Birthe Nesset, Daniel Hernández García, Dimosthenis Kontogiorgios, Jennifer Williams, Elif Ecem Özkan, Pepita Barnard, Gustavo Berumen, Dominic Price, Sue Cobb, Martina Witschko, Lucien Tisserand, Martin Porcheron, Manuel Giuliani, Gabriel Skantze, Patrick Healey, Ioannis Papaioannou, Dimitra Gkatzia, Saul Albert, Guanyu Huang (2023) Working with Troubles and Failures in Conversation between Humans and Robots: Workshop Report" Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Section Human-Robot Interaction 10 - 2023 |